@Shade - be aware of a new facebook api
I want to try and install this plug-in but there is notification said that
I am already contact my hoster they said there is no problems and the port is open.
FYI I am using mybb 1.87 with dreamhost as hoster
Thank you in advance for your suggestion
Best regards
(2016-07-11, 02:54 PM)Eldenroot Wrote: [ -> ]@Shade - be aware of a new facebook api
i get error message, with facebook API 2.8.
then, i try using my oldest app with api 2.7 no problem
MyFacebook Connect 3.0 is out
This is a major update. As such, many templates have been edited or added, some features have been revisited, added or deprecated and bugs have been patched.
In order to update from older versions, follow these steps:
- backup your MyBB installation. This is not necessary, but it's highly recommended;
- download the new version and decompress the .zip archive;
- delete the folder /myfbconnect;
- upload the new files, overwriting the old ones;
- an upgrade notice should appear in your Admin Control Panel. Run the upgrade script by clicking on the "run" button;
- enjoy.
For the complete changelog, the download link and other informations, read the
release thread.
anyone have url to myfacebook connect v2.3 ?
error line 45 inc/plugin/myfbconnect.php with v3.0
I don't support older versions anymore. Open a new thread
here to receive support.
can u tell me why i got that error shade?
download from ur github and mybb mod, still error.
MyFacebook Connect 3.1 is out
This is a
security update.
Users should update the plugin as soon as possible to prevent potential security issues.
For the complete changelog, the download link and other informations, read the
release thread.
(2013-04-17, 04:06 PM)Shade Wrote: [ -> ]Flyover is here!
Do you feel Facebook login is not enough for your board? I've got good news for you: Flyover lets you login and register with over 20 social networks, including Facebook, Twitter, Microsoft, Google, Steam, LinkedIn, Tumblr, WordPress and many more! Get it now at http://www.mybboost.com for a bunch of bucks!
MyFacebook Connect
Let your users login and register using Facebook with ease!
MyFacebook Connect is a plugin which lets you login and register through Facebook on any MyBB installation.
MyFacebook Connect can easily let your users register and login using their Facebook accounts with MyFacebook Connect: it differs from existing (both free and paid) plugins thanks to the provided PHP SDK and a lightweight, transparent integration. A must-have for almost every community and compatible with the latest MyBB releases!
Get support and more informations at MyBBoost.
i 've try installbut NOTHING CHANGE