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Full Version: Thank You/Like System v3.4.5 + MyAlerts and Tapatalk support
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Deactivate -> Uninstall (do not drop DB tables!) -> copy and overwrite old files (use latest package on MyBB extend site) -> install and activate
[quote pid='1285528' dateline='1507078450']
(2015-04-06, 06:43 PM)Eldenroot Wrote: [ -> ]
Templates Changed:
Show Thread Templates>showthread
  • Changes to include the jscript for the plugin.
Post Bit Templates>potbit
  • Changes to include the Add/Remove Thank You/Like button and the block for the Thank Yous/Likes for the default view.
Post Bit Templates>postbit_classic
  • Changes to include the Add/Remove Thank You/Like button and the block for the Thank Yous/Likes for the classic view.
Post Bit Templates>postbit_author_user
  • Changes to include the number of user's Thank Yous/Likes in the postbit stats of the user.
Member Templates>member_profile
  • Changes to include the section in user's profile to show Thank Yous/Likes stats.
I made all the changes to the templates above but the actual "Add Thank You" button is not showing up on posts. Any clue what else I'm missing? I'm using the theme Lunorian which is a black theme.
P.S. All of the stats are showing up on the member profiles.

It looks like I'm missing <!-- start thankyoulike_button_add --> with all the additional code between the start and end... So where in all the code is that called, and how do I put it in the right spot?
You have to look to the added templates:
Quote:Templates Added:
Your THEME >thankyoulike
  • Template containing The block with the list of users who have Thanked/Liked a post for the default view.

[i]Your THEME >thankyoulike_classic[/i]
  • Template containing The block with the list of users who have Thanked/Liked a post for the classic view.

[i]Your THEME >thankyoulike_expcollapse[/i]
  • Template For the Expand/Collapse image which Expands/Collapses the block of Thank Yous/Likes

[i]Your THEME >thankyoulike_button_add[/i]
  • Template for the button to add Thank You/Like. If you do not want to use an image, change it to text here.

[i]Your THEME >thankyoulike_button_del[/i]
  • Template for the button to delete Thank You/Like. If you do not want to use an image, change it to text here.

[i]Your THEME >thankyoulike_users[/i]
  • Template for the list of users who have Thanked/Liked a post

[i]Your THEME >thankyoulike_postbit[/i]
  • Template for the block of Thanks Given/Thanks Received in the postbit

[i]Your THEME >thankyoulike_memprofile[/i]Template for the section added to user's profile which shows the number of Thank Yous/Likes stats.

If there is no code, take a look to the added templates in the mybb default theme and copy the corresponding code to your own theme template. It's all from my memory, so I'm not 100% sure.

Hello community,
first, many thanks for this great plugin Smile
We has just updated from 1.805 to 1.812, unfortunalety we lost all our database entries (nearly all, except _ggt_tables - these are reduced by half). The table columns tyl_unumtyls, tyl_unumrcvtyls and tyl_unumptyls in table mybb_users now shows 0 for each user.

Latest database backup from 1.805 with tyl release #15 (think so) exists.

In the german mybb forum, one user wrote that data restoration isn`t possible:

Can`t believe it, that would be not funny...

Another user told about to restore only the _ggt_ tables
Hm, can'tbelieve it, too....that would be strange.I think the _ggt_ tables could be any references to the users, but i really don't know.
But my common sense is shure for one thing: The likes will be saved in the user table.

Now, what is the right procedure now, maybe the following would be the right solution?

In phpmyadmin:

At first, choose the data from the backup:

SELECT tyl_unumtyls, tyl_unumrcvtyls, tyl_unumptyls FROM mybb_users

Then export to sql file, i get:

INSERT INTO `mybb_users` (`tyl_unumtyls`, `tyl_unumrcvtyls`, `tyl_unumptyls`) VALUES
(x, y, z),
....and so on...
(0, 0, 0);

Now I have to drop the table columns from live database:

ALTER TABLE mybb_users DROP COLUMN tyl_unumtyls, tyl_unumrcvtyls, tyl_unumptyls

Afterwards, execute the dump that was generated to the sql file (INSERT INTO...).

The last step is to export the ggt tables from the backup, delete them in the live database and import the export to live database, similarly as before.
...eventually delete new registered users that have been added after the update of the board to ensure that the number of entries is correct...?

Can it really be so simple?
Or maybe i should rather work with Mysql UPDATE? If so, how is this exactly to do?
I just saw that in the installation script additional columns are created:

tyl_pnumtyls in table mybb_posts
tyl_tnumtyls in table mybb_threads

We have about 200,000 posts, do I have to do the same thing as described above?

I've probably ignored the sort order, too. It should be the uid in each table?

For now it would be enough for me to know if it is possible to rescue the data with my way or not. Blush
Please, contact @SvePu over PM - he should know better.
Thank you, I'll do that.

Whatever the outcome, I just donated.
@searcher - thank you. I would like to help you sort your issue, but @SvePu has better knowledge than me, I hope everything will be fixed and your data restored!
Finally, I solved it with database synchronization Wink

Little clue:
This unfortunate misfortune would not have happened if my admin-cp had been set to English.
When uninstalling the plugin, it says something like,"would you like to drop the entries from database?" That's a clear message. 
The German version only says: "Do you want to uninstall the plugin". Big Grin

I have two/three other problems.

1. In the plugin settings I have several fields which are not occupied or labeled, see screenshots.


2. Although it seems to be set, I don't get any JGrowl notifications, see also screenshot.

3. What value can be set at the bottom?


best regards
OK, thats because of invalid lang file - delete German lang file for thankyoulike plugin (inc/language/your language/admin/thankyoulike
(2017-09-29, 03:21 PM)Eldenroot Wrote: [ -> ]Deactivate -> Uninstall (do not drop DB tables!) -> copy and overwrite old files (use latest package on MyBB extend site) -> install and activate

My sites not working for tapatalk notification for like notification? Mybb version 1.8.12? What should I do