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It's already integrated into MyAlerts 1.05's core. Just check out your plugin list, under MyAlerts you'll find the necessary instructions in its description.
I found the option to enable everyone there but not to change the default setting when someone registers. That link you provided showed me how to change it just not where to change it.
The default is to have all alerts enabled on registration. There is currently no way to change this behaviour.
But it's not the default on mine, new registrations are happening without these settings being enabled.
Are you using the latest version from GitHub? Do you run any other plugins that affect registration. In a core MyBB install, it works as I said it does. I cannot account for every possible combination of plugins that may interfere.
It's been a long time since I posted or made any kind of update to this project. However, things are settling down for me and I'm ready to get rolling again.

I've just sent a message out to the core contributors (Shade and Wildcard - if anybody else has an interest in contributing and receiving these sporadic mailings, please do contact me...) detailing the short-term plans.

I'm creating a new branch on GitHub titled "unstable". As the name implies, it's for kind of, well... unstable code. If you feel comfortable with this and are willing to test on a local board, please do. However, please do report issues on GitHub rather than here using the unstable tag. This keeps pollution of this thread down.

Thanks for the continued support!
hi! is it possible to integrate OGUC's Custom Reputation with MyAlerts?
Probably, but it's up to the other plugin's developer to add support for MyAlerts.
I installed you plugin and works great, added support to my own thanks system xD, but only one detatail.

You don't close none php files.


On all files in actual repository if you go to the end of everyone file you don't close and that causes some troubles with another plugins, but works fine, i close all php files and goes fine, only that detaill xD.

Thanks in advice Eaun T.
True, i don't. And nor should you if your files only contain PHP. There's no need for it and the closing tags can cause more problems than they solve.