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Odd. I'll try take a look into it if I get time to do so.
It's not a MyAlerts fault, it's actually something related to the core. I can't use any variable which precede the hook. (I forgot to reply to frostschutz but his method doesn't work at all).
I'll take a look at it and see what I can do.
MyAlerts 1.04

I would like to announce the immediate availability of MyAlerts 1.04 right now - available via both the Mods Site and GitHub.

  • Default avatar option for users without an avatar.
  • Forum permission checks for quote alerts and thread author alerts
  • New user settings system
  • Many bug/issue fixes


  1. Upload all files to your server.
  2. De-Activate MyAlerts.
  3. Re-Activate MyAlerts.
  4. Inform users that they will be required to re-enable any alert types that they wish to receive.
Hi Euan,

Glad to see this released, but why must users re-enable the alerts? Isn't it possible to do a one-time conversion?
I looked at doing that, but the size of the resultant query became pretty large. There were 5 inserts per user. 10 users = 50 inserts, 20 = 100 inserts.

As you can see, the queries soon rack up. I could write a small script to be ran on it's own simply to perform the task of enabling all alerts for all existing users that you could run if you wished to though.
(2013-03-01, 02:22 PM)Euan T. Wrote: [ -> ]I looked at doing that, but the size of the resultant query became pretty large. There were 5 inserts per user. 10 users = 50 inserts, 20 = 100 inserts.

As you can see, the queries soon rack up. I could write a small script to be ran on it's own simply to perform the task of enabling all alerts for all existing users that you could run if you wished to though.

Okay I understand what you mean. So this will apply to add-on plugins that use MyAlerts? Disabled by default?
full of bug bug
(2013-03-01, 03:10 PM)bizzarela Wrote: [ -> ]full of bug bug

Easy tiger.

Just report what you experienced. No need to talk down the software. Wink