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(2012-10-13, 10:05 AM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012-10-12, 10:42 PM)try8yes Wrote: [ -> ]Not work for me

no response alert anything huhhuhhuhuh

Any chance you could actually give some more details about the problems you are facing?

its had function thanks after optimized database Big Grin

great plugin Big Grin
Glad it's sorted Big Grin
it is still in the beta stage or this is official release,and do you recomended it for large forum
Since it's in the releases section and on the mods site... yes, it's a final release.

Anxiety's using it on WWEForums with no problem right now so you should be fine seeing as you don't have BBO status Smile
You make that fix yet? Toungue
Not just yet. As I told you in PMs I've had a pretty stressful day today and just haven't had much free time till now.
Ok, i try adding the delete button on the dropdown and works but only if i recharge de site manually...

this is my template
<script type="text/javascript">
		var myalerts_autorefresh = {$mybb->settings['myalerts_autorefresh']};
	// -->
<li class="alert_row {$alert['rowType']}Row{$alert['unreadAlert']}">
	<a class="avatar" href="{$alert['userLink']}"><img src="{$alert['avatar']}" alt="{$alert['username']}'s avatar" width="24" height="24" /></a>
	<div class="alertContent">
		<span class="smalltext float_right">
			<a href="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/usercp.php?action=deleteAlert&amp;id={$alert['id']}&amp;my_post_key={$mybb->post_code}" class="deleteAlertButton" id="delete_alert_{$alert['id']}">[x]</a>
Yes, you'd also have to edit the JS file to react to clicking the delete button in the dropdown too Smile
Just pushed a new commit to GitHub to mark alerts as read when the popup is opened. Just got to translate the JS into prototype before I update the mods site.
(2012-10-16, 08:24 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]Just got to translate the JS into prototype before I update the mods site.
