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hello, my english is bad. my problem is in the attachment
^ in general, such issues require test user account to check & suggest possible solution
^ you can add below style code at the bottom of theme's alerts.css (in advanced edit mode)
.myalerts_popup a:link, 
.myalerts_popup a:visited, 
.myalerts_popup a:active {position: relative !important;}

.myalerts_popup li .avatar {width: 24px !important;}
do not forget to hard refresh your browser (eg. press CTRL + F5) to check
thank you. works...
I uploaded all the files, and I'm getting this error when I click "Install & Activate":
Fatal error: Call to undefined method DirectoryIterator::getBasename() in /public_html/inc/plugins/myalerts.php on line 256
Crap. Looks like you're running a PHP version less than 5.2.2? That's an issue as the getbaseName() method was only added after that point. I'll have to add a patch for that.
(2014-03-09, 02:37 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]Crap. Looks like you're running a PHP version less than 5.2.2? That's an issue as the getbaseName() method was only added after that point. I'll have to add a patch for that.
Ok. I'll check back and try again once you've done that. Thanks for the response!
Thank you for this plugin, it's fantastic.

I was wondering is it possible to have an option where you get an email if one of the alerts triggers?

Meaning the plugin sends an email upon an alert as well (as an option).
It's not available at the minute, but I have considered adding it as an option.