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Not just yet, though the bug shouldn't actually stop you activating it, just briefly show an error.
I was pointed with no bug with several times of activate/deactivate/install as well, unsure why you all are having it.
It only flashes up temporarily. It's related to the task file somehow. I just haven't had a chance to investigate it.
Having a glitch somehow with tasks. Over localhost, if I'm running task manually, it empties the table just fine, but on UB, for a test, even if I run the task (with same options and edits), no records are deleted.

Moreover the task doesn't run on predefined time.

Sorted out. Will see after two days if it runs on predefined time well and prunes the table.
It not running at the time could well be caused by the minor activation glitch. I'll be looking into it this afternoon.
Wow very nice plugin, thank you for this.
Has anyone integrated their plugin with this yet? I'm mostly just curious.
Not that I know of. If any authors have, please do contact me and I'll add you to the wiki of supported plugins.
I'll be doing integration of MyFollowers (not publicly available) today if time permits and will see if it works fine.
I will be updating my plugins later this month (xD), so probably I will do the integration or create a secondary plugin (my awards plugin do run hooks too).