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So hurry up with 1.8 so I don't need to keep fighting with that bloody confusing library Toungue
You're talking to the wrong person to have 1.8 sped up Toungue
* Wildcard is horrible at both jQuery and ProtoType :p
* JordanMussi joins Wildcard. Toungue
* Josh H. will see if he can understand much of the prototype code in MyBB, and if so, consider writing a jQuery equivalent.
Okay, it seems I'm doing something in a totally wrong way. But I wanted to update MyAlerts from 1.02 to a GitHub-flavoured 1.04 and...
After deactivating the plugin it's all okay. When I try to activate it, three PHP errors related to something to do with the TaskHandler blink shortly:
After that, I get the usual "Plugin has been enabled" message and the plugins list loads without any problems. But, when I go to my forum I get the following MySQL error:
MyBB SQL Error

MyBB has experienced an internal SQL error and cannot continue.

SQL Error:
    1054 - Unknown column 'a.forced' in 'where clause'
    SELECT a.*, u.uid, u.username, u.avatar, u.usergroup, u.displaygroup FROM mybb_alerts a INNER JOIN mybb_users u ON (a.from_id = u.uid) WHERE a.uid = 2 AND (alert_type IN ('') OR a.forced = 1) ORDER BY DESC LIMIT 0, 5;

Please contact the MyBB Group for support.
The first one is an issue that seems to pop up every so often for certain people only.

The second shouldn't happen if you used the GitHub code. You can fix it by following this post:
you have new replies notification for the thread starter. can it be extended to all posters of the thread
and how to change jQuery click pop-down to hover pop-down for the MyAlerts notifications. Thanks
(2013-04-12, 05:55 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]The first one is an issue that seems to pop up every so often for certain people only.

The second shouldn't happen if you used the GitHub code. You can fix it by following this post:

Worked great, thanks!
I'm now just struggling to get the alerts popup to stay on the screen and not slideup right after being shown... Oh God. But, well, at least the plugin itself works. Smile
Check the headerinclude template. myalerts.js is probably in there twice Smile