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Could you post a link to your forum and details for a test account please?
(2013-04-18, 10:16 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]Could you post a link to your forum and details for a test account please?

username: test
password: testing
I can't even see the alerts icon at all due to the theme.

Using web inspector, I removed the — and I can now see the alerts link. Th popup does open, but it's positioned completely wrong. You'll have to play with the CSS to get it to display correctly.
(2013-04-18, 11:00 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]I can't even see the alerts icon at all due to the theme.

Using web inspector, I removed the — and I can now see the alerts link. Th popup does open, but it's positioned completely wrong. You'll have to play with the CSS to get it to display correctly.
I can't believe the solution was so simple. Thanks for the speedy reply. Smile
Just played with the CSS in inspector and you have a bit of work to get the popup to display right I'm afraid Wink To get it working:

I changed the <li> tags to display: inline-block and removed the float
I set .myalerts_popup_wrapper to display: block;
I removed overflow: hidden from #user_details
I changed left: 0 to right: 0 on .myalerts_popup_wrapper .myalerts_popup
I changed the top property on .myalerts_popup_wrapper .myalerts_popup

Hopefully those will help. Good luck!
(2013-04-18, 11:07 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]Just played with the CSS in inspector and you have a bit of work to get the popup to display right I'm afraid Wink To get it working:

I changed the <li> tags to display: inline-block and removed the float
I set .myalerts_popup_wrapper to display: block;
I removed overflow: hidden from #user_details
I changed left: 0 to right: 0 on .myalerts_popup_wrapper .myalerts_popup
I changed the top property on .myalerts_popup_wrapper .myalerts_popup

Hopefully those will help. Good luck!

Again, thank you. I honestly would not have known where to begin editing. Blush
Looks like you got it sorted, I'm glad Smile
Hey euantor, if you have a moment, could you see if my issue now is just a JS conflict? The popup box doesn't appear, it just links to the MyAlerts page.

I'm guessing MyAlerts managed to mess up my headerinclude template.
Yup, could you send me user details please?
I have just pushed a few minor commits to GitHub (with a few more planned this afternoon) that should fix the warning people were getting about mktime() on activate. You can pull the latest source here: