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My forum is currently using the theme Block & Blue and the alerts box is going off of the page in all usergroups.


I have been messing around with some of the alert box's code but I can't seem to find what the fix would be to keep it on the page.

Try changing the "left: 0" to "right: 0" in alerts.css. I can't remember the exact CSS block right now unfortunately though.
Hello Euan. I would love to use this with another plugin:

Is it possible for you to add it some kind of alert whenever you receive a rating?
I'm afraid I don't provide support for third party plugins within MyAlerts. If you try contacting Shade, he's going to be working on a plugin to integrate third party systems with MyAlerts and might consider adding support for it.
why my alerts doesnt have's blank.
Avatars are displayed for those with avatars set. In the upcoming new release, there is an option for a default avatar if none is set.
i just it's working..yeahhh Toungue
(2013-02-20, 07:35 PM)Euan T. Wrote: [ -> ]I'm afraid I don't provide support for third party plugins within MyAlerts. If you try contacting Shade, he's going to be working on a plugin to integrate third party systems with MyAlerts and might consider adding support for it.

I will consider adding support for Rate Me a Funny plugin, but I'm encountering some issues hooking and using variables set in plugins. As long as variables keep returning NULL even though I've set them to global in the plugin itself, I can't continue Plugins Alerts Pack development.
Aww, sad to hear that Shade Sad
The fact is, I don't know why. I've been checking multiple times but nothing seems to be wrong.