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@Euan T

Thanks, but I've already tried that and it didn't work (also the panel .lower is not in the global.css so I just tried it at .panel)
Do you have a link to your site so I can inspect the HTML/CSS?

There you go.
Thanks. I'll have a look later after the F1.
Any news Euan T?
I'm testing this in a theme and for some reason the alerts popup is opening on page load, it closes when i click, and reopens if i click to reopen it. Can't seem to figure out why.

Disregard that, for some reason this was in headerincludes twice

<script type="text/javascript">
    var unreadAlerts = {$mybb->user['unreadAlerts']};
<script type="text/javascript" src="{$mybb->settings['bburl']}/jscripts/myalerts.js"></script>
How possible would it be to integrate new alerts? Say I want to code something specifically for my forum and would like X user to get a notification.
@Aaronnz, it's actually really easy. I've made several alerts specifically for my forum that work just as well as the default alerts. There's a guide on how to do it here:
Oooh. Thank you for that Smile
How can I move the alert somewhere else? I can't find it in my member header template.