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Excellent plugin. Just what I was looking for. Only thing is, I'd like to enable alerts by default, so when I enable the plugin, all alerts are enabled for all members.
That is being worked on already. Just give it some time.

For now you can use the script Shade made:
(2013-03-29, 07:52 PM)alv4 Wrote: [ -> ]Ahg Sad with that update bug I have a lot of problems now Sad
The mentionme alerts aren't working neither D:

Edit: I realized that the new version makes different the integration. So, forget about that, But now when I try to enter to Alert Settings in Control panel I got this:
/home/andyr14/ does not exist
/home/andyr14/ does not exist
if I'm in Spanish Sad

Edit 2:
I created that file (Blank) and now is working but it's supposed to work without that file.
Same issue, but working creating an empty file with the same name.
Thanks for this nice plugin!
Gracias alv4 por este truco!
let me re-post. could you look into this please

(2013-04-12, 06:33 PM).m. Wrote: [ -> ]you have new replies notification for the thread starter. can it be extended to all posters of the thread
and how to change jQuery click pop-down to hover pop-down for the MyAlerts notifications. Thanks
Already been answered many times. It's planned for a future release but it takes a bit of work and I just haven't got the time right now.
Don't forget that Plugins Alerts Pack comes with Threads and Forums subscription alerts Wink
(2013-04-17, 06:10 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]Already been answered many times ...
Sorry Euan, I need to read with more care. guidance for jQuery hover menu please
@ Shade, your plugin alerts only if we subscribe for email notifications. I'll recheck and ask for your support Smile
True indeed, but it's at least a starting point Smile
@.m. You can edit the jscripts/myalerts.js to enable hover menus. I do not have time to provide you with the full code.
Hi, I have the plugin installed fine but I when I go to click on 'Alerts', nothing happens. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks.