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<myalerts_headericon> isn't a real tag. it is replaced by the plugin with the actual content in the pre_output_page hook. You can disregard that error.
if I ignore this error, then this tag when calling the ezgallery is no longer displayed in the member_header what he is not so well. this is the problem
Ah. Do you have a link so I can see it in action? If the tag isn't getting replaced, that hook isn't being called for some reason.
i sending pn.
Is there an option to hide a counter when there are no new alerts?
There isn't currently, but I'll consider adding it. It would also be possible with template conditionals.
hi Euan.

ive noticed that all alerts (PM, quote, reply in thread) show the same time (8:00am) except for the Mention alert which shows the right time.

any ideas why this is happening? i uninstalled the plugin, deleted it and installed it again but results are still the same.
That's an odd one. I'll look into it and see what I can find.

Any way to fix this? The theme is "Life is beautiful" and the MyAlerts dropdown menu is somehow cutted.