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Full Version: MyAlerts
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If you link to your site it would be much easier Smile
True that. Sorry I didn't respond to your PM when you sent it - didn't have the time to answer.
(2012-11-08, 04:08 PM)Leefish Wrote: [ -> ]Which theme is that envision?
MyBB World - Black

(2012-11-08, 04:33 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]If you link to your site it would be much easier Smile

(2012-11-08, 04:38 PM)Tecca Wrote: [ -> ]True that. Sorry I didn't respond to your PM when you sent it - didn't have the time to answer.

I'm patient Toungue
Oh man, I've been looking for a plugin like this for ages and suffered from testing some very unstable attempts at creating a robust notifications system for MyBB - that one just works, thanks!

I have one question though - how can I move the alert box so that it, for example, slides down centered on my icon or something? I think I just must be stupid, but I've tried margins, "right" attribute, position types changing and never got it to move a few pixels to left. D:

Thanks in advance for any help!
You got it right. Use a relative position and then adjust it left or right. Use something like left:10em; to see where it ends up. Adjust as needed.
Yeah, you have to play with the left and right properties and really just see what happens.
I've tried many things, nothing worked.
Well, then you haven't experimented properly. I have it how I want it and it works perfectly on my forums.
What values did you try for the left property? Try something like left: -100px and it will shift to the left.
Adding right or left propety doesn't really change anything - just like changing already existing "top" value. Adding position: relative, on the other hand, messes up the design for me:
Those icons below should be on that black background with the middle one. :/