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If there are no core edits, I'd definitely like to see a pull request if possible Big Grin Last time I looked, I would have to run DB queries to get subscribers, but that was in 1.6.
Support mybb 1.8
Read. The. Thread.

1.8 support is coming. It's in development and is being tested by several members.
Sweet! Awesome! We cannot wait to use it on our forum.

Thanks Euan! Eagerly waiting for this. We decided to wait for MyAlerts before upgrading to 1.8 our live database because Alerts are what we feel an integral part of the forum experience. Almost every other software has it now. Alerts are amazing and you did a great job with the 1.6 system! Cannot wait for 1.8!

Keep up the good work!
(2014-12-22, 07:11 PM)Euan T Wrote: [ -> ]Read. The. Thread.

1.8 support is coming. It's in development and is being tested by several members.

Many thanks.
Awesome! I also waiting for the 1.8 version! Smile
Euan T , its Christmas today Wink just a Reminder Big Grin
It's Christmas.

Is the plugin ready for 1.8?

I know. It's nearly ready. I just need another day to make sure it's done.
Nice, perfect timing for me Toungue is there already an upgrade script to test?