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(2012-11-11, 05:27 AM)Tecca Wrote: [ -> ]@envision

It's because your #panel has the "overflow: hidden;" element. What this is doing is cutting off your alerts popup. Remove that from your panel id. If it makes the panel look funky, set a height of something like "height:35px;".

That worked, alert panel text overflows out now. Damn.
I wonder if MyAlerts would have better styles. I think that as for now, popup is very messy and incomprehensible. I'm not talking of stunning (and complicated) styles but I think that a bit of tidy would be appreciated by all users who use your great plugin, euantor.

Here's my alerts popup if you'd like to inspire to this.

[Image: Schermata%2011-2456243%20alle%2010.31.42.png]
Are we having an alert style competition now? Cool

[Image: de245997d4d6456b9af745d.png]
Shade's is better Toungue
Still looking for a fix for this.

For some reason everything is working, but, the text overflows out of the element box.

P.S. I'm not really a pro in CSS.
(2012-11-11, 08:22 AM)envision Wrote: [ -> ]
(2012-11-11, 05:27 AM)Tecca Wrote: [ -> ]@envision

It's because your #panel has the "overflow: hidden;" element. What this is doing is cutting off your alerts popup. Remove that from your panel id. If it makes the panel look funky, set a height of something like "height:35px;".

That worked, alert panel text overflows out now. Damn.

Any chance you could provide a screenshot, URL and test account details? Would make my life 100 times easier.

(2012-11-11, 09:38 AM)Shade Wrote: [ -> ]I wonder if MyAlerts would have better styles. I think that as for now, popup is very messy and incomprehensible. I'm not talking of stunning (and complicated) styles but I think that a bit of tidy would be appreciated by all users who use your great plugin, euantor.

Here's my alerts popup if you'd like to inspire to this.

[Image: Schermata%2011-2456243%20alle%2010.31.42.png]

I'd love to provide a better style out of the box but obviously different users have different themes and I just want to make it as easy as possible for users to work with their themes.

Yours does look amazing though I must say. Congrats on that!

(2012-11-11, 09:46 AM)crazy4cs Wrote: [ -> ]Are we having an alert style competition now? Cool

[Image: de245997d4d6456b9af745d.png]

Looking sharp! Nice job customizing it - it's always nice to see what others have done with my work Big Grin

(2012-11-11, 11:32 AM)envision Wrote: [ -> ]Still looking for a fix for this.

For some reason everything is working, but, the text overflows out of the element box.

P.S. I'm not really a pro in CSS.

See above.
(2012-11-11, 06:51 AM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]Looks great! AJAX auto-refresh only works on the actual listing page right now.

Oh I didn't realize that.

Is there plans to make the link in the header autorefresh (and if it did would that mean the entire page updates or just AJAX for the popup?)?
There is a plan to add AJAX refreshing for the notification count and popup.
(2012-11-11, 03:31 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]There is a plan to add AJAX refreshing for the notification count and popup.

It just gets better and better Smile
(2012-11-11, 03:31 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]There is a plan to add AJAX refreshing for the notification count and popup.

Waiting for this one and integration of geek's likes and myawards.

Works perfectly on CHF. Having a notification system that works perfectly for 91k members is a large achievement. I must say I am very happy as to how the plugin is optimized to have the least number of queries possible.