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Nice mod. You saved me quite some time as I was planning to write one. One of the features that I really miss from xenforo.
Thanks Smile It's not yet quite as complete as XenForo's but it's getting there.
(2012-11-01, 05:49 PM)euantor Wrote: [ -> ]Thanks Smile It's not yet quite as complete as XenForo's but it's getting there.

You are welcome Smile

This looks pretty good too imo.
Fresh install of MyBB, I uploaded the required library plugin, but when trying to activate this alert system, I keep getting:

This plugin requires PluginLibrary 9 or newer

Can't seem to get around it? heh
That's odd. Which version of pluginlibrary are you using? Anxiety had a similar issue until he deleted the hello_pl.php file from his plugins directory IIRC.
Thanks Euantor, I figured it out, heh

I had the sample "Hello plugin library" thing enabled, which seemed to break it, doh Toungue
Yeah, I don't quite know why it does that though.
Just going to post that the task ran fine and alerts were pruned today.
Glad to hear it! I'll be updating the code a little more later on today.
Plugin is pretty flawless on my end, and users really like it. It feels as if it's supposed to be there.

The only suggestion I have, which I believe was mentioned, is having a default avatar set for those without one, since the alt title breaks the layout (very little, but noticeable).

Oh, and alerts for subscribed topics.